Welcome to a guided sauna experience. An intimate meeting space where the sweaty body can be part of a collective. Open your senses to the experiences of women across cultures at different stages in their lives.
Stories of sex/uality – pleasure, surprise, desire and transformation – are shared through a soundscore played over intervals of a participatory sauna ritual.
Premiered: CODA Festival, Oslo Norway, October 16-17, 2024.
STEAM is born out of the research for XwomXnseX stage performance, which focuses on diverse relationships women have with sexuality and change. Wanting to share more stories, the collective invited others to share a sauna and stories of sensual surprises and discoveries. From this research they have created a participatory sauna ritual that leads sauna goers through enhanced sensory states with essential oils, soundscape and refreshments.
Concept and creation: Meagan O’Shea, Liv Hanne Haugen, Anne Katrine Haugen
Creative input: Margrét Vilhjálmsdóttir, Margunn Kilde
Soundscore composition: Charo Calvo
Produced by: Haugen Produksjoner
Photo: Daniela Toma, Darja Olsevskaja
Supported by: Norwegian Arts Council, Fond for Lyd og Bilde, Fond for Utøvende Kunstnere, Fritt Ord, Tromsø Kommune, Davvi-Senter for Scenekunst and Tromsø Kulturskole