
Chew it!

Chewing is a highly sensing experience taking place in a highly intimate and private room, the mouth.

Premiere: Tromsø 24. october 2013.
Shown: DanseFestival Barents, Hammerfest, Vinterlys Festivalen, Mo i Rana. Excerpts shown under SMAK festival, Tromsø, Ungdommens Fylkesting, Troms.

What happens when food meets the mouth? This is the starting point for Chew it! who want to zoom in and be close, where many of us are distant; Do I chew mostly on the right or left side? With open or closed mouth?

We grab and go, consume with little time to digest. In a playful way Chew it! gives space and possibility to magnify this little, yet higly important movement of chewing. And how is it possible to dance the digestion?

One nutritionist, three dance artists and one musician are some of the people who serve food for thought and body in this engaging stage art experience, set in a restaurant.

Idea and concept: Liv Hanne Haugen

Created together with: Vibeke Thorp; nutritionist / author, Silje Solheim Johnsen, Anne Katrine Haugen, Liv Hanne Haugen; dance artists, Erik Stifjell; music, Hilde Korsæth; film, Lawrence Malstaf; light, Anniken Romuld; graphic design/scenography.

Supported by: Norsk Kulturråd, Fond for Lyd og Bilde
Production support: Dansearena nord
Partners and sponsors: Smørorget, Emmas Drømmekjøkken, Dragøy, Mydland, Rådstua Theater House, RadArt

Production: Haugen Productions